Thursday, October 29, 2015

Spooky Doors

Decorating for the younger students tomorrow!
 Our classroom door and ...

the Accelerator Reader Store doorway!
What did I ever do before Pinterest?

Friday, October 16, 2015

Pumpkin Picking at Wenonah


Students in 4-2 took a trip to the Wenonah Pumpkin Patch to select the perfect pumpkin. Thanks to the Wenonah PTA, each student in the school was able to bring a pumpkin home. Students in 4-2 can bring their pumpkins back on October 30th for our class' pumpkin decorating contest. Remember no carving!

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Behind the Scenes at Picture Day

"What background will make me look my best?"

Striking the perfect pose with a little help.

Size order please, girls first... 

Monday, October 12, 2015

Heather Forest Visit

Heather Forest, a singer, author and storyteller visited the fourth grade on Friday, October 9th. She entertained all with her folktales and sprinkled in a little about good listening and imagination. If you want to find books written by her or more like hers, visit the section 398.2 in the library. Heather left a signed copy of the book, A Baker's Dozen, for the fourth grade.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Suffolk County Water Authority Presentation

Suffolk County Water Authority presentation for fourth graders.
They learned about the Water Cycle and how what we do above the
ground can pollute our drinking water below the ground.

Class 4-2 Meets Clifford, the Big Red Dog

Friday Class 4-2 got to meet Clifford. All the students that turned in their
summer reading lists choose a book from the Treasure Chest.