Friday, April 22, 2016

Cultivating Reading

Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body-J. Anderson

A beautiful day to grab a book and enjoy the outdoors.

Monday, April 18, 2016


Today after learning about the line of symmetry, 
the students had the chance to create 
symmetrical designs using pattern blocks 
and a ruler to represent the line of symmetry.

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Beautifying Wenonah

This past week, I stayed after to school to prep and paint the door frame 
into our classroom as well as a few others down the intermediate hallway. 
Purple is the perfect color in my opinion. 
Hopefully, I will be in this room for a few more years!

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Down on the Farm Community Night at Wenonah

Welcome to Wenonah's Farm Night

This year's theme had everyone thinking about where our food comes from and what the future holds for all of us. Will farming practices change? The students worked hard to create a news article through Google Classroom using Google Docs. They became tech savvy and very aware of GMO's, organic farming, fish farming and industrial farming- to name just a few of the exciting topics.

Did you know that bugs are a sustainable food source and are more economically and environmentally friendly? Over 80% of the world already eats bugs! Would you?

Even the superintendent, Mr. Nolan, enjoyed the evening.

All Charged Up!

Using only a copper wire and a battery, the students were able to light up their lightbulbs proving 4-2 may have some future electricians in their midst!