Monday, December 19, 2016

Minute to Win It Fun

Peace, Pride, Respect and Responsibility

Those students that earned Renaissance 
please pop up when your named is called...

Sibling rivalry takes center stage.
 And the winner is... A TIE!!

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Deck the Halls...

It's the holiday season with the whoop-de-do and hickory dock ...🎢🎝🎢🎜

Your choice was spelling homework or decorate an ornament.
 Hmmm... which did most of you choose? 

Trimester One is done, so time to choose your Accelerated Reader incentives.

Thank you to these students for filling the orders
 for all the classes in the building who participated.

 Keeping warm  and busy during recess on a cold day!

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Currently Happening 12/6/16

This week is the kick off for Sachem's participation in the worldwide HOUR OF CODE. The students in our class became buddies for the Kindergarten students as they tried their little hands at Kodable for their coding hour. 


We get to complete our hour of code on Friday! 

We also continue to explore Traditional Literature with classic American Folktales known as 
Tall Tales  working in groups reading some of Steven Kellogg's books.

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Eppentus Tavern Trip

Fun times at the Smithtown Historical Society

From playing with colonial toys, making tavern signs, writing with quills, to making candles, silhouettes and clay candle holders all students were actively engaged and having a good time.