Saturday, December 23, 2017

STEM Challenge Day

Thank you to all the parents that came in to help with our breakfast and rotated through the classrooms with the students. Also, thank you to everyone who either sent in goodies or volunteered to help. 
Igloo Towers + free standing snowmen + reindeer antler relays =
engineering, collaboration and fun!

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Oreo Phases of the Moon

Science lesson for the day: 
Can you recreate the phases of the moon with Oreo cookies?
Everyone stepped up to the challenge and even got to sneak a cookie or two! Cooperation was the key.

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Hour of Code

We were busy this week coding away from  being buddies with the first graders, the kindergartners, and special ed students to finally getting our own hour of code! 
Why Code?

  • Coding and Programming is a basic literacy in the digital age.
  • Coding can change the world.
  • Coding gives children confidence that they can be designers and builders.
  • Coding is becoming the most in-demand skill across industries.


Saturday, December 2, 2017

Trimester One Genre Goals

This trimester most of our class was successful in meeting their Trimester One Reading Genre Goals. Way to go! Keep on reading!

 Keep on Doodling!

Using Scratch to Code

To get ready for the international week of "Hour of Code", we dipped our toes in the water designing the GOOGLE logo on Scratch. The students had to watch a short video clip explaining how to code and without any help from me were coding within minutes!

STEM Thanksgiving Fun

Before the Thanksgiving break, students had fun working collaboratively to construct a Thanksgiving table worthy of a feast using 5 sheets of paper and 10cm of tape. Their design had to hold a canned good without toppling and be at least two inches high. Some groups were successful on their first attempt while others had to make modifications along the way.